

I'll be blunt. The major parties will do everything to rig the game to keep it closed to people like me. That should frighten the bejesus out of you. It frightens me. You see what they do when they're allowed to get away with it. But real people aren't going to get elected if you leave it up to chance, or leave it up to someone else to do somethjing about it. So if you want the majors having absolute control, do nothing and you'll get it. If you want actual human beings keeping them in line, you need to help make it possible for regular people to compete. And that costs money. It's not coming from lottery tickets, I'll tell you that much



I'll be blunt. The major parties will do everything to rig the game to keep it closed to people like me. That should frighten the bejesus out of you. It frightens me. You see what they do when they're allowed to get away with it. But real people aren't going to get elected if you leave it up to chance, or leave it up to someone else to do somethjing about it. So if you want the majors having absolute control, do nothing and you'll get it. If you want actual human beings keeping them in line, you need to help make it possible for regular people to compete. And that costs money. It's not coming from lottery tickets, I'll tell you that much

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